What is
the payback?
“Asked for a
conservative estimate of the monetary payoff from the
coaching they got, these managers described an average
return of more than $100,000, or about six times what
the coaching had cost their companies.”
~ “Executive
Coaching—With Returns a CFO Could Love, Fortune, 2/19/01
Manchester Consulting reported results from a study of
100 executives who completed coaching between 1996 and
exciting of all were the estimates of return on
investment. As indicated earlier, when estimated
in the most conservative manner, ROI averaged nearly
$100,000 for the sample, or 5.7 times the initial
estimate. Some estimates were as high as $1
million, $5 million, or even $25 million."
Manchester Review, 2001, Volume 6, Number 1
Follow the link below to the entire article:
“The ROI
with executive coaching is often very high—especially if
you calculate the value of a high-level executive salary
and the return-on-improvement in skill level and
decision making.”
~ Training &
Development, 3/1/99
“Using the
[coaching] instead of sending executive and managers to
seminars two or three times a year can be more
beneficial to ongoing career development, not to mention
less expensive…”
~ “Coaches
Pump Your Career into Shape,” PC Week, 12/20-27/99
